Modified Learner Enrollment and Survey Form Download

DepEd Modified Learner Enrollment and Survey Form (MLESF) will be used to collect data regarding the child’s ability when it comes to different modes of learning.

As announced earlier by the Department of Education, the start of the School Year will be on September 13, 2021. The enrollment on the other hand will begin on August 16, 2021.

The DepEd will implement remote enrollment in areas under Enhanced Community Quarantine and Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine. The reason for this is to keep physical distancing measures for the safety of everyone. However, parents and guardians may submit the Modified Learner Enrollment and Survey Form physically in low-risk areas. Schools may also implement the dropbox enrollment method the same as last year.

The school enrollment focal person (SEFP) shall receive all submitted MLESF and turn them over to grade-level coordinators, who shall then distribute them to prospective advisers. Prospective advisers shall encode the MLESF in the LIS BOSY Facility.

Instruction to Parents/Guardians and Enrollees

  1. For incoming Grades 1-6, 8-10, & 12 learners

Parents of incoming Grades 1-6, 8-10 & 12 learners will be contacted by the school, preferably through previous advisers for remote enrollment procedures. However, parents/guardians may also reach out to their child’s adviser for enrollment through the contact numbers published by the school.

  1. For incoming kindergarten, Grades 7 & 11

Parents of incoming kindergarten, Grades 7 & 11 learners shall communicate/re-affirm their intent to enroll their children to a school of their choice via digital and/or physical enrollment platforms established by schools, which is similar procedures during the early registration.

  1. For transferees

Learners planning to transfer from one school (“the originating school”) to another (“the receiving school”) shall directly contact the receiving school through its published enrollment contact details. The previous adviser is no longer required to facilitate the submission of MLESF of a learner that is about to transfer to another school.

  1. For Balik-Aral enrollees

All Balik-Aral enrollees shall directly contact their preferred schools for enrollment. The receiving schools shall register the enrollee’s enrollment and survey data.

  1. For ALS enrollees

ALS enrollees may communicate their intent to enroll via digital and/or physical enrollment platforms established by schools and barangays with community learning centers (CLCs). Modified ALS Form 2 (Annex A) shall be used for this purpose, consistent with DO No. 58, s. 2017. This form will be made available in digital and physical format.

DepEd Modified Learner Enrollment and Survey Form (MLSEF)

To download, click the “Download here” below the photo. Click on File and Download then Microsoft Word.

  • English

Download Here

  • Learner and Survey Form Tagalog

Download Here

  • Enrollment Form for ALS

Download here

For queries you can contact the DepEd Public Assistance Command Center:

(02) 8636-1663, (02) 8633-1942
0919-456-0027, 0995-921-8461
(from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.)

or email at [email protected]
or message the DepEd Philippines Facebook page
(available 24/7)


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