RA 11525: Covid 19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021

The Republic Act No. 11525 – An act establishing the COVID19 vaccination program expediting the vaccine procurement and administration process, providing funds therefor and for other purposes. It also establishes a national indemnification fund that will compensate anyone inoculated through the vaccination program for the treatment of severe side effects.

Under Sec. 3 of RA 11525, the Department of Health and the National Task Force against Covid19 are authorized to procure Covid19 vaccines including ancillary supplies and services jointly or in cooperation with any national government agency or instrumentality or LGU.

They are the main department designated to handle and watch over the vaccination campaign of the government. They shall be authorized to negotiate and approve the terms and conditions in behalf of LGU’s.

We know before this law had been made, LGU’s had second thought about procuring vaccine because of the advance payment that vaccine companies are requiring which is prohibited under Government Auditing Code of the Philippines, but now is being Okayed by this law and shall be used to obtain Covid19 vaccine.

Under Sec. 4 of the law, Local Governments Units – Provinces, cities and municipalities may procure only in cooperation with DOH and NTF through a multiparty agreement.

So the DOH or NTF in connection with the LGU and the covid19 relevant supplier shall bind to an agreement. This is how the multiparty agreement should work and absence of any one in the agreement shall make the LGU procurement not valid.

In terms of the Private Entities who want to procure the vaccine, the same will be implemented by using the multiparty agreement being the DOH or NTF at the head of the procurement this is according to Sec. 5: Procurement and Administration of Covid19 vaccines by private entities. Any vaccines, supplies, or services procured shall be for the sole and exclusive use of such companies.

With respect to Philippine Red Cross a voluntary, independent and autonomous nongovernmental society they can procure the vaccine for the use of individuals consistent with the priority list set. The procuring bodies mentioned above may partner with Philippine Red Cross in the administration, or distribution and inoculation of the vaccines.

So these are the procuring bodies that will make sure that the vaccination campaign will be successful. The target of the government is 70 Million people vaccinated at the end of this year, with health workers and front liners as the top of the priority list.

It has also directed the Department of Health (DOH) to maintain a central database of vaccinations and mandates a uniform format for the vaccine cards. The COVID-19 vaccine cards, which will include the name, address, birthdays, and vaccination information of vaccine recipients, will be subject to the provisions of the country’s data privacy law. 

Aside from that, the law also allows registered pharmacist and registered midwives as vaccinator as long as they have trained under DOH. So the implementation of Covid19 vaccine is already rolling around the country and we hope it will be a success with minimum side effects. There is also a section in the law where there is an indemnity fund for people who experienced intense side effects or even death.

This is some of the contents of RA 11525 also known as the Covid-19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021 which is passed by Congress and approved by the President.

Here is the copy of Covid 19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021.


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