DepEd Order no. 029 s. 2021; School Calendar 2021 to 2022

The Department of Education DepEd releases the School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2021-2022. The DepEd Order no. 029 s. 2021 dated August 5, 2021, includes the implementing guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities. It shall be applicable to both public and private elementary and secondary schools including CLCs nationwide.

President Rodrigo Duterte has approved September 13, 2021, upon the recommendation of the DepEd Secretary as the opening date of the School Year.

DepEd School Calendar 2021 to 2022

  • Opening of classes shall start on September 13, 2021 and ends on June 24, 2022. A total of 209 class days inclusive of Saturdays and the 5 year midyear break.
  • With the compressed school year, the conduct of distance learning activities for learners during Saturdays is authorized but should religious considerations prohibit activities on a Saturday, they shall be undertaken on a Sunday. The teachers, however, will not be required to render service on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • The conduct of Face to Face classes, wether partial or full scale, will not be allowed unless permitted by the Office of the President.
  • For Alternative Learning System (ALS), it shall be open on the same date while the duration of the program will depend on the learner’s existing knowledge level prior to enrolling.
  • Private schools and state/local universities and colleges (SUCS/LUCS) offering basic education have the choice to implement or deviate from this School Calendar. They may begin classes not earlier than the first Monday of June and not later than September 13, 2021, pursuant to RA 11480. Any deviation from the school calendar shall be reported to the respective Regional Offices (ROS) in advance.
  • In preparation for the opening of classes for SY 2021-2022, the schools shall conduct the following activities:

a. Enrollment, which shall be held from August 16, 2021, to September 13, 2021. A separate set of guidelines on enrollment for SY 2021-22 shall be released; and

b. Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik Eskwela, to be held on announced dates, which shall focus on an information campaign, preparations, and strengthening partnerships that complement the Department’s effort to ensure quality basic education.

  • The Christmas break shall begin on December 20, 2021, Saturday. Classes shall resume on January 3, 2022, Monday.
  • The remedial/ advancement classes for public schools shall start on July 4, 2022, Monday, and shall end on August 12, 2022, Friday.

DepEd Calendar of Activities 2021

Here is the copy of the DepEd Order no. 029 s. 2021

Download it here.


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